Hello again 👋 !!

I'm Herman Effendi, and my friends call me Herman. I am a software engineer currently pursuing a bachelor's degree in Data Science. As a software engineer, I am accustomed to contributing to the complete project life cycle, from idea to implementation. Solving problems through coding has been my passion since high school.
Apart from my favorite coding moments when I'm not behind my laptop, you can find me jogging in the late afternoon before sunset. It's part of my daily routine to maintain overall health and well-being. As I run, I feel like I'm following a routine that helps keep my mind and body balanced. Connecting with nature as the sun gradually sets gives me a chance to reflect and appreciate the day that has passed.


Bachelor's Degree in Data Science, Universitas Airlangga

July 2022 - Present


Staff Dataquest | Airnology 2.0

Nov 2023 - Dec 2023